Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hanging Things

I haven't honed in on any specifics for the decor at the reception yet. Partially because we're a solid 17 months out from the date, but mainly because I have a million great ideas, all of which are fantastic in their own right!

Recently, I've become obsessed with things that hang; hanging lanterns, hanging terrariums, hanging lights, hanging vases, hanging candles, hanging ornaments, and even hanging crystals.

Paper lanterns are a relatively inexpensive way to create colourful impact during the day, and a dramatic lighting effect during the evening. They come in a million different hues, so you're sure to find one that matches perfectly with your wedding colours. And if you're lucky, you might find a recently betrothed bride looking to dump her paper lantern inventory at a deeply discounted price ;)

Chartreuse - the perfect green!

A lovely tent set up!

Strings of paper lanterns at night.

Not too long ago, Miss Canary blogged about Yvonne's beautiful Knot Bio on weddingbee.

(above photo taken by john and joseph photography)
I knew from the moment I saw them, that I must have the hanging glass vases and candle holders. The resulting inner conversation went something like this:

Oh wow, those hanging ornaments are gorgeous. I could do so many awesome things with those. I could hang single fern leaves, moss, bear grass, orchids, candles.... *daydreams* Oh wait a minute. They're blown glass ornaments!! They are going to be waaaaaaaaay to expensive for your budget, so don't go and get your hopes up. But daaaaaaamn they're REALLY nice.... *daydreams* can't hurt to just check the price, because then you'll know for sure. Go on, check CB2 and see how much they are. *searches* Less than 5 bucks each!!!! LESS THAN 5 DOLLARS!! I can afford that! At least a few anyways. I WILL DO IT. I will order them online. Oh crap, they're glass, I wonder how well they'll ship? Better yet, do they even ship to Canada? *searches* Yes, yes they do. Waaahoooo! *happy dance*

Orchids in the hanging glass vases from the CB2 site
(have I mentioned how much I love orchids?!?)

And of course, once an obsession begins, one must alway add more fuel to the fire! Aren't these hanging crystals gorgeous? I think I'll start hitting up antique stores and garage sales for old crystal chandelier pieces.
photo of Erin Cole's wedding taken by Leigh Miller

Any other hanging ideas out there?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sooooo, I've been the worst blogger in the whole wide world. But to be honest, this stuff is HARD to keep up with. haha. I have so many ideas for blog posts, but so little time to actually post them properly (with pictures and links and such)!!

And of course, I have an excuse - my charger for my laptop is on the fritz. It's not a good excuse, but it's valid one(in my opinion) because it means I can't post while relaxing in front of the TV! It also means I have to use patrick's computer to post and well, he uses his computer too!

But don't worry, I'm ordering one tomorrow. And all will be well in the world of blogging soon there after!


A little something for those who are pro valentine's:

And a little something for those who are anti valentine's:
